Privacy Statements

Grainview Designs recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information we may collect from on-line visitors to our web site. To this end, we are committed to using our best efforts to respect the privacy of our on-line visitors. It is our intent to balance our legitimate business interests in collecting and using information received from and about you with your reasonable expectations of privacy. The following is the way we handle information learned about you from your visit to our website.

Information Collected

  • Personally Identifiable Information.

    Grainview Designs collects personally identifiable information, such as names, addresses, E-mail addresses and the like, only when voluntarily provided by a web site visitor. We will notify you as to the uses we intend to make of that information

  • Automatically Collected Information:

    We automatically receive certain types of information whenever you interact with us on our sites and in some e-mails we may send each other. Automatic technologies we use may include, for example, IP addresses and cookies
    IP Addresses.

An IP address is a number assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. All computer identification on the Internet is conducted with IP addresses, which allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate with each other. Grainview Designs collects IP addresses to conduct system administration and report aggregate information to affiliates, business partners and/or vendors to conduct site analysis and Web site performance review.


A cookie is a piece of information that is placed on your computer when you access certain Web sites. The cookie uniquely identifies your browser to the server. Cookies allow us to store information on the server to help make the Web experience better for you and to conduct site analysis and Web site performance review. Most Web browsers are set up to accept cookies, although you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Note, however, that some portions of our sites may not work properly if you refuse cookies.

Links to Other Sites

As a resource to our visitors, Grainview Designs may provide links to other web sites. We try to carefully choose web sites which we believe are useful and meet our high standards. However, because web sites can change so quickly, we can’t guarantee the standards of every web site link we provide or be responsible for the content of non-Grainview Designs web sites.

Sharing Information with Other Companies

Grainview Designs does not share or sell any personal information that visitors voluntarily provide to us on our website with any other company, nor do we share any aggregate data we collect.


Grainview Designs does not knowingly collect information about children.


Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated on this page in a timely manner